[daip] LWPLA: aspmm doesn't work anymore?

Michael Rupen mrupen at aoc.nrao.edu
Wed Jan 15 18:53:35 EST 2003

Hi Daip,
  the new KNTR/LWPLA options are awesome; but ASPMM no longer seems to
work in LWPLA.  (1) No ASPMM is reported anymore; (2) changing ASPMM
by factors of 10 makes no difference in the output plots.  Any thoughts?


LWPLA  run in TST on verdi, user # 11
Note that this is only an example; I've had the same problem with many
different files.

  AIPS 1: LWPLA:   Sends plot file(s) to a PostScript printer or file
  AIPS 1: Adverbs     Values                 Comments
  AIPS 1: ----------------------------------------------------------------
  AIPS 1: USERID        0                    User ID. 0 => current user
  AIPS 1:                                      32000 => all users
  AIPS 1: INNAME     'X1720-31 654'          Image name (name)
  AIPS 1: INCLASS    'LCL001'                Image name (class)
  AIPS 1: INSEQ        12                    Image name (seq. #)
  AIPS 1: INDISK        0                    Disk drive #
  AIPS 1: PLVER         0                    Version # of PL file. 0=>last
  AIPS 1: INVERS        0                    PL file version #, upper
  AIPS 1:                                    limit if > PLVER
  AIPS 1: ASPMM         0                    Arc sec. per mm. 0=self scale
  AIPS 1: LPEN          0                    Pen width (dots).
  AIPS 1: FUNCTYPE   '  '                    'NE','LG','NG', 'SQ', 'NQ'
  AIPS 1:                                    else linear
  AIPS 1: DPARM      *all 0                  (1,2) Clip recorded grays
  AIPS 1:                                        before FUNCTYPE (0 to 1)
  AIPS 1:                                    (3,4) After FUNCTYPE scale
  AIPS 1:                                        by g*DPARM(3) + DPARM(4)
  AIPS 1:                                    (5) Page orientation
  AIPS 1:                                        0: fill page
  AIPS 1:                                        1: portrait  2: landscape
  AIPS 1:                                    (6) Paper type, for centering
  AIPS 1:                                        0: quarto,      1: legal,
  AIPS 1:                                        2: 4x5 in Slide,3: A3,
  AIPS 1:                                        4: A4,     5: 35 mm Slide
  AIPS 1:                                        6: 11 x 17
  AIPS 1:                                        1000*X + Y -> XxY inches
  AIPS 1:                                    (7) Font type, default
  AIPS 1:                                        Helvetica-Bold (see help)
  AIPS 1:                                    (8) Font size (in points,
  AIPS 1:                                        default 13).
  AIPS 1:                                    (9) Use CMYK color out rather
  AIPS 1:                                        than RGB if > 0. Do this
  AIPS 1:                                        for journals.
  AIPS 1: OUTFILE    'MPR1:tmp.ps                                     '
  AIPS 1:                                    ' ' => print/delete
  AIPS 1:                                    otherwise write named file.
  AIPS 1: COPIES        1                    Number of copies if going
  AIPS 1:                                    directly to a printer
  AIPS 1: DODARK        0                    Paint dark vectors as "dark"
  AIPS 1: OFMFILE    *all ' '                Color grey scales....
  AIPS 1: DOCOLOR       0                    Use PLCOLORS ?
  AIPS 1: PLCOLORS   *all 0                  Line, character, background
  AIPS 1:                                    colors - see HELP.

aspmm= 1e-3,0.1,1,10,100,1000 all give the same plot


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