[daip] SNSMO bug

Cormac Reynolds reynolds at jive.nl
Fri Dec 5 06:38:47 EST 2003


I have been using SNSMO to clip bad amplitudes from SN tables using the MWF
selection in CPARM. There seems to be a small bug (perhaps an undocumented
feature) in the timerange selection for the MWF.

The SN table was produced by CALIB and has both AMPL and PHAS solutions in
it, but I only want to clip the amplitude solutions.

If I specify
cparm = 1,0,0,0,0,1

to delete amplitude points based on a 1 hour averaging I don't get any clipping

However if I specify
cparm = 1,1,0,0,0,1

it works as expected. It seems that the timerange from cparm(1) is ignored if
cparm(2) is not specified, even though the help indicates that cparm(1) is the
timerange for Amplitude clipping. The fix is of course simple, but it took me
some time to trace it - perhaps a note could be added to the help file if this
is regarded as a feature rather than a bug.


Cormac Reynolds                      |   Phone: +31 (0)521 596512
Science Operations & Support Group,  |   Fax: +31 (0)521 596539
Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe,  |   email: reynolds at jive.nl
Postbus 2,                           |
7990 AA Dwingeloo,                   |
The Netherlands.                     |

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