[daip] compilation failure AIPS 31DEC02

Rekhesh Mohan reks at rri.res.in
Sat Aug 2 09:51:48 EDT 2003

I've got a redht9.0/i686/2.4.20-8/gcc3.2.2 machine here. Today, I was 
trying to upgrade AIPS from 31DEC00 to 31DEC02. 

INSTEP2 failed at script MAKEAT, which complained about PRINTENV (which 
is mentioned as a "flaky" thing in MAKEAT).

The exact error message is given below:

INSTEP2   : Grind away on mass compilation of subroutines.
INSTEP2   : This part can take a very long time.

INSTEP2   : Process    $AIPSUB/...
INSTEP2   : subroutines.
/data2/reks/software/AIPS/31DEC02/SYSTEM/UNIX/MAKEAT: line 1: PRINTENV: 
command not found
MAKEAT    : Cannot find env. variable for 
INSTEP2   : Failure in AIPSUB.LIS
INSTEP2   : creation.
INSTEP2   : Aborts!    Sat Aug  2 19:13:11 IST 2003
AipsWiz: Error: INSTEP2 failed, no point in proceeding.

Can you help me out? It never complain for the 31DEC00 version.

Thanks in advance,

        REKHESH MOHAN (Research Fellow)     +91-80-361 0122 (Off)
        Astrophysics group,                 +91-80-331 6690 (Res)
        RAMAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE            +91-80-361 0492 (Fax)
        Bangalore 560 080, INDIA             www.rri.res.in/~reks

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