[daip] saving and restoring arrays

Adam Fallon afallon at astro.columbia.edu
Wed Sep 4 17:43:46 EDT 2002

Hi - I have a procedure that I am running over and over on
small portions of a large image. Each time I run it I store
a list of box sizes in a (4,100) array. I later use these
box sizes to define areas to fit using jmfit.  When I start
a new section of the image I clear the array and store new
box sizes.

Right now my only option (that I know of) if I want to work
with the box sizes again is to enter all the old array elements
by hand -  I would like to somehow save the array each time I
finished with a section, so that I can later restore this
information to adjust the sizes, run other programs, etc.
Is there some way to save an array like this as a data file
outside of aips, and then later load the array back into aips?

Thank you very much,

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