Andrzej Marecki amr at astro.uni.torun.pl
Tue Nov 12 10:11:55 EST 2002

Dear all,

I would like to propose a minor yet useful enhancement to INSTEP2 and INSTEP4
scripts. In my opinion they should update $UPDATE/LASTCOMPRL.DAT and
$UPDATE/LASTCOMLNK.DAT files respectively (after a successful run, of
course). At the moment the content of those files, when created after the
installation of e.g. 31DEC02 version of AIPS, dates back to Dec. 2001!
On the other there _exists_ $AIPS_VERSION/UPDATE/LASTCVS.DAT file which
seems to be THE file to be copied to $UPDATE/LASTCOMPRL.DAT 
$UPDATE/LASTCOMLNK.DAT after a successful run of INSTEP2 and INSTEP4.
But it isn't copied actually. Or maybe this happened only in my (SUL)

Why is it important? Imagine someone installs AIPS from scratch relatively
long after a particular version of AIPS starts its life i.e. when .UPD files
has grown substantially. In such circumstances the very first run of MNJ
produces long .UNQ files and they, in turn, are converted into long .AT
files. As a result, that very first run of MNJ becomes a *redundant*
re-compilation of a vast majority of AIPS binaries.

Cheers, Andrzej

Andrzej Marecki                | 
Torun Centre for Astronomy     |   e-mail: amr at astro.uni.torun.pl
N. Copernicus University       |   WWW:    http://www.astro.uni.torun.pl
ul. Gagarina 11                |   tel: +48 56 6113032
PL-87-100 Torun, POLAND        |   fax: +48 56 6113009

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