[daip] STFND

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Mon Nov 11 10:32:15 EST 2002

Ian Pattison writes:
 > The task STFND searches for emission above a certain flux/beam - CPARM(1)
 > and covering a minimum number of pixels CPARM(3). What I am uncertain of is
 > how is the number of pixels defined? i.e. is it the number of pixels for
 > which the flux/beam is greater than CPARM(1), or the total number of
 > pixels (down to the 1 sigma noise level) ?

I am unfamiliar with this program which is very non-standard in its
construction.  Looking at it the algorithm (it is in $APLPGM), I see
the program constructing runs of pixels all above the threshold.  It
counts only these.  In more complicated cases, it may merge things at
a later stage and so count more, but even then I think it only counts
the picels > THRESH.

Eric Greisen

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