[daip] IBLED

Phil Diamond pdiamond at jb.man.ac.uk
Fri May 24 11:29:31 EDT 2002

Dear Amy,

I have worked some more on this and embarrassed to say that IBLED is
working fine. The error was mine.

However, I should point out that it was caused by confusion in the
interactive input parameters. Rather than choosing 'ENTER IF' from the
left hand menu on the TV I chose 'ENTER 2ND IF'. Choosing the latter then
switches to displaying the amplitude ratio between the two IFs. I don't
think amplitude ratio was an original parameter, hence my confusion. It
might be appropriate to modify the name in the menu to avoid further

Another change that I would strongly recommend is to make the default
flagging option to be 'ALL CHANNEL' rather than have the user select this.
In almost ALL cases this is what the user prefers and surely, it is more
effective to have the default reflect the majority useage rather than that
of a minority.

Regards, and sorry for the user error, Phil

On Wed, 22 May 2002, Amy Mioduszewski wrote:

> Hi Phil,
> Leonia and I have tried to repeat your bug (on both Solaris
> and Linux boxes), and we do not see a problem.  Although the
> amplitudes of the second IF seem to be slightly higher than
> the first.
> Could you send us your exact IBLED inputs, and what version
> of AIPS are you using?  I tried TST, NEW and OLD and they all
> worked.
> Cheers,
> Amy

Philip Diamond                            | pdiamond at jb.man.ac.uk
Director, MERLIN & VLBI National Facility |
University of Manchester                  |
Jodrell Bank Observatory                  | (+44) (0)1477 572625 (office)
Macclesfield                              | (+44) (0)1477 571321 (switchboard)
Cheshire SK11 9DL                         | (+44) (0)1477 572649 (fax)
U.K.                                      | (+44) (0)7769 706872 (mobile)

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