[daip] INSTEP2 queer failure

Patrick P Murphy pmurphy at NRAO.EDU
Fri May 24 09:54:39 EDT 2002

On Thu, 23 May 2002 14:35:26 -0400, Grant Denn <gdenn at sbc.edu> said:

> I blew it all away and am reinstalling it. It's compiling.
> I backed up our old DATA, FITS, RUN, and DA00 areas.
> Hopefully I can just replace them verbatim?

For DATA, FITS, and probably RUN, yes.  I'd hold on to the old DA00 area
but I wouldn't move it back verbatim (the install.pl script will create
and populate a new one).  You can copy the *.LIST* and TPHOSTS files from
your old DA00 area, assuming no disk, tape, or printer configuration has

There are two run file areas: $RUNSYS (in 31DEC02/RUN) which you don't
want to touch, and $RUNFIL (in $AIPS_ROOT/RUN).  If you or your users have
saved run files, they'll be in the latter.

> Also, I'm running into a problem with permissions.

Check your umask and that of your other users/accounts.  I'll bet it's set
to 022.  Set it to 002 so that files are created group-writable.  You can
also double-check the permissions on various need-to-be-writable areas
such as the AIPS user data "disks", the $TSTMEM area, and $DA00 and
contents.  Directories should show up as "drwxrwsr-x" in a "ls -l" listing
(i.e. execute access for everyone, user and group read/write, and setgid).

				- Pat
 Patrick P. Murphy, Ph.D.              Division Head, CV Computing, NRAO
 Home: http://www.chien-noir.com/    Work: http://www.nrao.edu/~pmurphy/
  Stop viruses dead in their tracks: install and use Linux.  It's free.

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