Carlos De Breuck debreuck at iap.fr
Wed Mar 6 12:58:59 EST 2002


8 months ago, I installed AIPS on our local cluster of DEC ALPHA machines.
It all worked fine untill recently.
It starts up the TEK and MSGservers, and the TPMON deamons, and then
hangs on executing $AIPSROOT/31DEC00/ALPHA/LOAD/ZSTRTA.EXE

This problem also occurs when I start up AIPS with the notv option.
It happens before I can even enter in a user number.
There are no error messages, so I have no indication on where problem
occurs. It just doesn't get past the ZSTRTA.EXE

The strange thing is that I haven't changed anything on the installation
here (but I'm only the AIPS manager, not the system manager). Could you
give me some hints on where to start looking to solve this problem?

Carlos De Breuck

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