[daip] problem with AP94 data

Data Analysts analysts at aoc.nrao.edu
Fri Jun 7 11:12:14 EDT 2002

Hi Eric or Amy (whoever reads this),

This dataset is loaded on Lisa Foley's machine
if you want to look at it.


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>From M.Hardcastle at bristol.ac.uk Fri Jun  7 07:21 MDT 2002
Subject: problem with AP94 data
To: analysts at cv3.cv.nrao.edu
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 14:21:15 +0100 (BST)
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From: Martin Hardcastle <M.Hardcastle at bristol.ac.uk>
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Status: RO

Dear analysts,

I have a problem with the AP94.850526.C BAND dataset that you recently
received from the archive for me -- I wonder if you can help me to get
around it? The AN table lists all the antennae I would expect, but
their relative positions are all zero: PRTAN output looks like this:

 scorpius  PRTAN(31DEC02)   2502     07-JUN-2002  14:15:01    Page    1
File=AP94.850526 .C BAND.   1     An.ver=   1     Vol= 4     User= 2502
Array= VLA          Freq=  4885.100000 MHz     Ref.date= 26-MAY-1985
Array reference position in meters (Earth centered)
Array BX=  -1601185.36500    BY=  -5041977.54700    BZ=   3554875.87000
Polar X =   0.00000 Polar Y =   0.00000 arcsec
Earth rotation rate =  360.9856449721 degrees / IAT day
GST at UT=0 =  243.5101273389 degrees
UT1-UTC=      0.0000000   Data time(IAT     )-UTC=      0.0000000 seconds
Solutions not yet determined for a particular FREQID
Mount=ALAZ  Axis offset=  0.0000 meters    IFA               IFB
Feed polarization type =                    R                 L
Ant   1 = VLA:OUT  BX=        0.0000 BY=        0.0000 BZ=       -0.0093
Ant   2 = VLA:OUT  BX=        0.0000 BY=        0.0000 BZ=       -0.0093
Ant   3 = VLA:OUT  BX=        0.0000 BY=        0.0000 BZ=       -0.0093
Ant   4 = VLA:OUT  BX=        0.0000 BY=        0.0000 BZ=       -0.0093
Ant  26 = VLA:OUT  BX=        0.0000 BY=        0.0000 BZ=       -0.0093
Ant  27 = VLA:OUT  BX=        0.0000 BY=        0.0000 BZ=       -0.0093
Ant  28 = VLA:OUT  BX=        0.0000 BY=        0.0000 BZ=       -0.0093
Ant  29 = VLA:VPT  BX=        0.0000 BY=        0.0000 BZ=        0.0000

Of course this doesn't stop me from calibrating the data or making an
image. However, I want to combine this dataset with my new A-array
observations. To do this, I need to use UVFIX to precess the data to
J2000 co-ordinates. And, of course, that uses the AN table and
therefore sets all the u,v,w co-ordinates in the data to zero.

Can you help me? I don't know why the AN table is zero in this
dataset, but it must be possible to find an AN table for the
appropriate date that I could use. Any advice would be appreciated.



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