[daip] aips_gripe

Lincoln Greenhill lincoln at rglinux2.harvard.edu
Thu Jan 10 19:41:55 EST 2002

{10-JAN-2002 19:36:46}
{rglinux2     rglinux2}
{   24  31DEC01  LINX}
{lincoln Greenhill}
{617 495 7194}
{In testing RMSD, I obtain the following message:
 STRIP is too big. Change BLC,TRC(1,2) or/and IMSIZE
 This is triggered when
       NSTRIP = LIM1*BOX(2)
 I have 8192x8192x29 cubes.  Hence, LIM1=8192.  IMSTRI = 1024*1024/4 hard coded.
 Hence, I cannot set my BOX second dimension to be larger than ~30.
 THis is too small.  Why is the condition so restrictive.  Individual
 emission clumps can be tens of pixels up to about 100 pixels in size, depending
 at least 500x500 for the box within which RMS is computed.
 Is that impossibly large?
 Sorry about the formatting of this msg.  THe screen is scrolling.
{RMSD: too restrictive condition set on size of RMS calculation box.}
{greenhill at cfa.harvard.edu}
{ }

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