[daip] Re: CVEL

Jiyune Yi jiyune at oso.chalmers.se
Thu Dec 5 10:52:36 EST 2002


> CVEL only reports "excess" shifts - of more than 10% of the total
> bandwidth.  Most of our programs run silently when they are working
> correctly.  If the lines shifted by a little, then the program worked.
> Tasks like UVDIF and PRTUV for uv data and COMB and PRTIM for images
> are ways top reassure yourself that the expected was actually done.
> Eric Greisen

Thank you for the clarification.
I always had CVEL reporting the shift before (two different
sources over 3 months for 3 epochs, and this is the last one)
and I thought by default CVEL is reporting unless I set up
INP to surpress the message. Good to know, no report for
the case of "less than 10% of the total bandwidth".

Thanks again.

- Jiyune

p.s.  Lorant,
thanks for the help. POSSM (7), didn't try before.

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