[daip] migrating old aips data

Eric Greisen egreisen at cv3.cv.nrao.edu
Tue Sep 18 17:16:15 EDT 2001

joe cammisa writes:
 > eric-
 >     thanks for your prompt attention.  the old system is solaris, and the new
 > is linux.  so, i guess fits is my only answer, although i'm encouraged to read
 > that disk rather than tape can be used (i was having frightening visions of
 > spending months changing tapes...)  can you please explain further?  thanks
 > again...

Task FITTP and FITAB offer the option of OUTFILE which would be a disk
file, usually in the $FITS area.  This disk could be cross mounted on
the 2 systems.  You need to make a unique name for each file.  A proc
such as

   proc tapeout(x,y)
$ do a range of catalog numbers
   dowait true
   j = x-1;
   for i=x:y
      if (^error) then
         j = j + 1
         outfile = char(indisk) !! '-' !! char(j)
         go fittp

At the other end even easier

   proc tapeout(x,y,j)
$ do a range of old catalog numbers x-y, old disk j
   dowait true
   for i=x:y
      infile = char(j) !! '-' !! char(i)
      go fitld

If the disk area is not $FITS, then

       outfile = '<area>' !! what I typed above

where <area> is the environment variable pointing at  the disk area.

Eric Greisen

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