[daip] Intel's linux compilers

Eric Greisen egreisen at cv3.cv.nrao.edu
Thu Nov 29 15:10:00 EST 2001

Sally Laurent-Muehleisen writes:
 > 	I was hoping for some advice.  Against my better judgement, I have been
 > asked to install AIPS on our linux box (Pentium 4 with RedHat 7.1 and the 2.4.9
 > kernel) using Intel's own C and Fortran compilers.  I was hoping you would have
 > some advice for me in setting compiler options, etc.  If you have not tried this
 > at NRAO, perhaps you might know of any other brave (i.e., foolhardy) person who
 > tried to compile AIPS with the Intel compilers.  If so, perhaps you would be so
 > kind as to point me in their direction.

I did not even know that Intel had compilers - I thought gnu and some
small comercial firsm were the only ones trying to market Fortran
compilers.  The files that need to change are in $SYSLOCAL named
CCOPTS.SH, LDOPTS.SH, and FDEFAULT.SH.  They need to point at the
desired compilers and set desired options - use man f77 (or whatever
it's called) to make a guess at the desired options.  AIPS code does
not use the SAVE statement enough so you want to avoid have dynamic
allocation of local variables (the default in GNU but not in many
other compilers).  You want pretty high optimization esp for $QPSAP.
The optimization is controlled by $SYSUNIX/OPTIMIZE.LIS.

Good luck and let us know what happens...


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