[daip] 2 questions

Eric Greisen egreisen at cv3.cv.nrao.edu
Wed Nov 28 17:58:51 EST 2001

Hiroko Shinnaga writes:
 >   Thank you for your quick comment.  I ran "aips" 
 > and basically looks fine.  


 >   Can we change aips passwd?  If we can, could 
 > you please let me know how to do it?  

       There is a verb in AIPS called PASSWORD - enter it and answer
the questions.  I do not know if it is necessary to change the
password.  You should probably use user numbers > 1, assigning them
to people/projects as you see fit.  You will then not need to use the
aips manager (user 1) password much at all.

      When you need information about a subject, try the verb apropos
inside aips.  For example:
>aprop passw
AIPS 1: PASSWORD   ** categorie VERB POPS
AIPS 1:    Verb to change the current password for the login user

 >   And also, I'm trying to upload the data from 
 > DDS-3 tape driver.  I'm facing a problem like this; 
 > >mount
 > AIPS 1: ZMOUN2: Couldn't open tape device /dev/st0
 > AIPS 1: ZERROR: IN ZMOUN2 ERRNO = 13 (Permission denied)
 >   I found that aips root account "aips" doesn't have 
 > permission.  I'll try to figure out how to fix it.  

Usually this means that the account does not have the needed
permissions on the "device" file /dev/st0 in this case.

ERic Greisen

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