[daip] I screwed up

Patrick P. Murphy pmurphy at NRAO.EDU
Thu Jun 21 08:35:14 EDT 2001

I fixed the problem (a missing "fi" in an if/else clause).  Moved fixed
file to valen (which is the master system for CV) and re-ran the other
client jobs on hominid and lemur.

I also copied it to bonito and thereby the AOC systems, and ran the job
there and on alcor.  I wasn't sure what other jobs needed to be run
(ohsumi probably, miranda needs a copy, dunno about cochiti).

Any site running a master/client system with multiple jobs will have
experienced the problem we did: the main job ran fine because it was using
the old UPDCONTROL, even after the new one got overlaid on it.  However,
the jobs fed off that copy failed with syntax errors.  So what's needed is
(a) get a good copy of UPDCONTROL, or put the stupid "fi" I forgot between
lines 466 and 467; and (b) "$CDTST; cd $TST/$ARCH/UPDATE; ./AIPSUPD TST"
on all client (not master) machines.

I should send out an apology to the mnj mailing list soon...

				- Pat

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