[daip] Clip By form

Mike Nord mikenord at unm.edu
Wed Jun 6 16:55:15 EDT 2001

I am having some problems understanding Clip by form in TVFLG.  My data
set has 15 channels and two polarizations.  I am using clip interactive to
clip channel 1, pol RR based on vector amp difference.  I perform the
clip, and then I List Clip.  The clip I just performed is printed in the
message window.  The then press Clip by form.  The first thing I am asked

Enter range of channel numbers from   1 to   15 (2 I's)

To which I enter:

1 15

Because I want to clip all channels.  What AIPS is asking for next is what
is confusing me.  AIPS asks:

Enter Stokes flag pattern applied to Stokes RR (4 chars left justified)

I am not sure exactly what AIPS is asking for here, but I enter 1000 as
this is what List Clip gives.  AIPS then asks:

Enter Stokes flag pattern applied to Stokes LL (4 chars left justified)

I don't want to clip LL based on RR, so I just press enter.  (I have also
tried entering 1000 and 0100).  Then, in the message window, AIPS says:

POTEMK> TVFLG1: Pattern flag command is:
POTEMK> TVFLG1:   1  CLIP     Type VEC DIFF clip range -4.50254E+01
POTEMK> TVFLG1:               Based on Stokes RR, IF  1, Chan   1, Avg  40
POTEMK> TVFLG1:                        Window     1     1   464  2111
Scan 120
POTEMK> TVFLG1:         Flag: Stokes 1000,  IF = All,  Channel =    1
POTEMK> TVFLG1:         Flag all sources meeting these criteria
POTEMK> TVFLG1: Loading VEC DIFF over window BLC    1     1 TRC  464  2111
POTEMK> TVFLG1: with Stokes RR channel   1 IF #  1 smoothed to   40.00
POTEMK> TVFLG1: First compute the smoothed image of desired type
POTEMK> TVFLG1: Using scan length  12 for rolling-buffer average
POTEMK> TVFLG1: Now load the TV memory from  0.0000E+00 TO  2.2635E+03
POTEMK> TVFLG1: Press buttons A, B, or C to choose an operation
POTEMK> TVFLG1: Press button D for on-line help

AIPS then just drops back into TVFLG and does not clip any of the other
channels?  How can I get AIPS to clip the other channels properly?

Thank you for any help,

Michael Nord
University of New Mexico/Naval Research Labs

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