[daip] APARM(1) default in FRING

Amy Mioduszewski amiodusz at aoc.nrao.edu
Wed Dec 5 18:34:32 EST 2001

Hi all,

A little background for those of you not part of this discussion.
Lorant and Henrique are reducing the same dataset in parallel.
It seems that when Henrique runs FRING he gets many more good
solutions than when Lorant runs VLBAFRGP.  We thought we found
the difference because the help file for FRING says that the
default for APARM(1) (the minumum number of antennas) is 6, and
Henrique used APARM(1)=2, VLBAFRNG uses the default.

However, I looked in the program and the default is in fact 3, I
will change the help file.  But a difference of APARM(1)=2 and
APARM(1)=3 does not seem to explain why FRING gets many more
good solutions than VLBAFRGP.  Although, I have talked to Lorant
and he said it is possible some other APARM/DPARM were set that
might make a difference.  Anyway, hopefully we will get to the
bottom of this discrepancy.



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