[daip] loading ATCA data (fwd)

Amy Mioduszewski amiodusz at aoc.nrao.edu
Mon Dec 3 12:57:58 EST 2001

I told her to try loading her ACTA data into MIRIAD or AIPS++
and then writing it out again.  Ralph said there is an AIPS
task called ATLOD, but we do not seem to have it, something they
only have at ATNF?

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Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 09:41:28 -0700 (MST)
From: Kelsey Johnson <kjohnson at aoc.nrao.edu>
To: amiodusz at zia.aoc.NRAO.EDU
Subject: loading ATCA data
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Hi Amy,
I'm told that you are the person to ask advice about loading ATCA data
into AIPS :)

I have no idea how ATCA data are or aren't compatible with AIPS, but 
I seem to think from the ATCA/MIRIAD manual that they are some sort of 
non-standard fits file.  In any case, I have this ATCA data which I want
to load into AIPS, but when I run FITLD, it says there is a non-standard
fits header and dies.  Are there some tricks I can use to get it loaded
into AIPS?  or would you recommend just dealing with it in MIRIAD?

- -kelsey

Kelsey Johnson					kjohnson at nrao.edu
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow				ph: 505-835-7334
National Radio Astronomy Observatory		fax: 505-835-7027

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