[daip] Problem installing Aips

z0001283 at zoo.co.uk z0001283 at zoo.co.uk
Sun Aug 26 10:47:31 EDT 2001

      Hi There,

Running Corel 2nd Ed Linux (Debian)

Got to screen 12. Let it go and it failed to compile! Had no g77 prog on my
computer. Got version 2.95.2-13, installed it, back to screen 12, let it go 

Failed in a different way this time:

AipsWiz: ==> Press <ENTER> after you have verified FDEFAULT.SH::
AipsWiz:  =====> Compile Utility Programs in 
AipsWiz:         - found existing F2PS program; assume it's ok.
AipsWiz:         - found existing F2TEXT program; assume it's ok.
AipsWiz:         - found existing NEWEST program; assume it's ok.
AipsWiz:         - found existing PRINTENV program; assume it's ok.
AipsWiz:         - found existing PWD program; assume it's ok.
AipsWiz:         - found existing REVENV program; assume it's ok.
AipsWiz:         - Compiling ZTRLOG.c...
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/2.95.2/libg2c.a(open.o): In function `f_open':
open.o(.text+0x637): the use of `tempnam' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp'
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/2.95.2/libg2c.a(main.o): In function `main':
main.o(.text+0x2c): undefined reference to `atexit'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
AipsWiz: Error: Failed to build PP.EXE in 
AipsWiz: Error: This will prevent INSTEP2 from starting.
AipsWiz: Error: You need to find out why it failed, but for now
AipsWiz: Error: we will proceed with the install...
AipsWiz: ==> Press <ENTER> to acknowledge::

I control Ced out at this point.

On the install web page you say this:

IPS assumes the glibc based C library.

I presume that g77 is the egcs version that you speak of, or do I need to 
something else?

In an ols install document you talk of editing libc --> lncurses on Linux.
Is this the problem?

Is there a log file that I should send you?

Help appreciated.

Dean Johnson

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