[daip] CVEL suggestion

Ketan Desai ketan at rentec.com
Fri Sep 22 08:44:48 EDT 2000

Might I suggest that CVEL only operate in the manner in which you suggest.
Since its a task that everybody is supposed to use, its probably better not to
leave knobs in it that give unintended results.   Forking the code into a
separate task with a different name for the express purpose of shifting the
spectra by an arbitrary velocity would be a better organizational thing to do.
It would probably cost less time for the AIPS group [I venture to guess] than
trying to maintain an entirely separate mode of operation along with all the
attendant inquiries from gentle users that are sure to follow.

[Most likely those knobs would be tweaked by those long familiar with the
program who 'know' better than to read the current documentation :) ]

-- ketan

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