[daip] CLCAL w/ CUTOFF > 0 doesn't always interpolate as requested

Michael Rupen mrupen at aoc.nrao.edu
Sat Oct 28 15:30:25 EDT 2000

Dear DAIP,
  I have a fast-switching VLA data set at 1.3cm, with several widely-separated
fast-switching scans.  When running CLCAL I would like to ignore all
calibrator scans which are more than 10mins. from the source scan.  This
seems to work -- at least, CL table entries are filled in -- only in some
cases.  For instance, I try to interpolate from 20077+40 to 20324+40 with
CUTOFF=10, and get

  Time   Source     -- 1-- 2-- 3-- 4-- 5-- 6-- 7-- 8-- 9--10--11--12--13--14--15--16--17--18--19--20--21--22--23--24--25--26--27--28
Day #   0
01:01:50 1331+305    -15     131 163      57-101   0  -7 -14-114 -95 -45-168   9  11  14  85  97-138 -73-142     -82    -169-121-102
01:03:00 1331+305    -30      97 115      63-168   0 -79 -39-142-122 -39 158  17 -23 -48  21  30-170 -98-169    -121     156-168-133
01:59:20 20324+40    -80     133 151     101-101   0-105-119 -50  64 -37  95-126 -40 -62   5  -1 -24  -6-105     158     105  10  39
02:01:00 20324+40    -80     133 151     101-101   0-105-119 -50  64 -37  95-126 -40 -62   5  -1 -24  -6-105     158     105  10  39
02:01:47 20077+40    -80     133 151     101-101   0-105-119 -50  64 -37  95-126 -40 -62   5  -1 -24  -6-105     158     105  10  39
02:02:00 20077+40    -80     133 151     101-101   0-105-119 -50  64 -37  95-126 -40 -62   5  -1 -24  -6-105     158     105  10  39
02:02:43 20324+40
02:03:30 20324+40
05:12:30 20324+40
05:14:10 20324+40
05:14:30 20077+40    115     154 166     102-117   0 -90 -23  93  10  52 122 -85  10 -10   3  61  25  72 -79     167      34  58  51
05:15:10 20077+40    115     154 166     102-117   0 -90 -23  93  10  52 122 -85  10 -10   3  61  25  72 -79     167      34  58  51
05:15:27 20324+40    107     152 161      99-116   0 -92 -27  87  11  44 127 -88  -1 -22   0  57  22  66 -79     158      25  45  44
05:16:40 20324+40     91     150 150      95-115   0 -95 -36  76  12  29 137 -95 -21 -48  -7  49  17  54 -79     138       8  19  30
05:17:00 20077+40     86     149 146      93-115   0 -96 -39  72  13  23 141 -98 -28 -57 -10  46  16  49 -79     132       2  11  25
05:17:10 20077+40     86     149 146      93-115   0 -96 -39  72  13  23 141 -98 -28 -57 -10  46  16  49 -79     132       2  11  25
05:49:10 20324+40
05:50:37 20324+40
05:51:00 20324+40


The same data set with CUTOFF=0 and otherwise identical inputs to CLCAL
fills in the entire CL table.

  I can work around this (I think) through the judicious use of TIMERANG,
but that's rather painful.

  Thanks for looking into this -- hopefully it's a simple one, for a change! 


>inp clcal
AIPS 2: CLCAL     Task to manage SN and CL calibration tables
AIPS 2: Adverbs         Values            Comments
AIPS 2: ----------------------------------------------------------------
AIPS 2: INNAME     '20001020    '          Input UV file name (name)
AIPS 2: INCLASS    'K BAND'                Input UV file name (class)
AIPS 2: INSEQ         1                    Input UV file name (seq. #)
AIPS 2: INDISK        1                    Input UV file disk unit #
AIPS 2: SOURCES    '20324+40575     '      Source list to calibrate
AIPS 2:            *rest ' '
AIPS 2: SOUCODE    '    '                  Source "Cal codes"
AIPS 2: CALSOUR    '20077+40298     '      Cal sources for calibration
AIPS 2:            *rest ' '
AIPS 2: QUAL         -1                    Source qualifier -1=>all
AIPS 2: CALCODE    '    '                  Calibrator code '    '=>all
AIPS 2: TIMERANG   *all 0                  Time range to calibrate
AIPS 2: SUBARRAY      0                    Subarray, 0=>all,
AIPS 2: ANTENNAS   *all 0                  Antennas selected, 0=> all
AIPS 2: SELBAND      -1                    Bandwidth to select (kHz)
AIPS 2: SELFREQ      -1                    Frequency to select (MHz)
AIPS 2: FREQID        1                    Freq. ID to select.
AIPS 2: OPCODE     '    '                  Operation 'MERG','CALI',
AIPS 2:                                    'SMOO','CALP'; ' ' => 'CALI'
AIPS 2: INTERPOL   'SIMP'                  Interpolation function,
AIPS 2:                                    choices are:
AIPS 2:                                    '2PT','SIMP','AMBG','CUBE',
AIPS 2:                                    'SELF','POLY','MWF','BOX'
AIPS 2:                                    see HELP for more details.
AIPS 2: INTPARM    *all 0                  Interpolation parameters
AIPS 2: CUTOFF       10                    Interpolation limit in
AIPS 2:                                    time (min); 0=> no limit.
AIPS 2: SMOTYPE    '    '                  Data to smooth
AIPS 2: SNVER         0                    Input SN table, 0=>all.
AIPS 2: GAINVER       2                    Input Cal table 0=>1
AIPS 2: GAINUSE       3                    Output CAL table 0=>2
AIPS 2: REFANT        8                    Reference antenna 0=>pick.
AIPS 2: BADDISK    *all 0                  Disks to avoid for scratch

>go clcal
CLCAL2: Task CLCAL  (release of 31DEC99) begins
CLCAL2: You are using a non-standard program
CLCAL2: Using interpolation mode SIMP
CLCAL2: Flagged    768 records from CL table no.    3
CLCAL2: Merging all extant SN tables
CLCAL2: WARNING: SN table    2 has already been applied
CLCAL2: WARNING: SN table    1 has already been applied
CLCAL2: SN2CL: Applying SN tables to CL table   2, writing CL table  3
CLCAL2: Appears to have ended successfully
CLCAL2: mizar        31DEC99 TST: Cpu=       0.2  Real=       0

>inp listr
AIPS 2: LISTR:  Task to print UV data and calibration tables.
AIPS 2: Adverbs         Values            Comments
AIPS 2: ----------------------------------------------------------------
AIPS 2: USERID        0                    User number.
AIPS 2: INNAME     '20001020    '          UV data (name).
AIPS 2: INCLASS    'K BAND'                UV data (class).
AIPS 2: INSEQ         1                    UV data (seq. #).  0 => high
AIPS 2: INDISK        1                    Disk unit #.       0 => any
AIPS 2: OPTYPE     'GAIN'                  List type:
AIPS 2:                                     'MATX','LIST','GAIN','SCAN'
AIPS 2: INEXT      'CL'                    CL, SN or TY table for 'GAIN'
AIPS 2: INVER         0                    CL, Sn or TY table version
AIPS 2: SOURCES    *all ' '                Source list
AIPS 2: CALCODE    '    '                  Calibrator code '    '=>all
AIPS 2: TIMERANG   *all 0                  Time range to list
AIPS 2: STOKES     '    '                  Stokes type to list.
AIPS 2: SELBAND      -1                    Bandwidth to select (kHz)
AIPS 2: SELFREQ      -1                    Frequency to select (MHz)
AIPS 2: FREQID       -1                    Freq. ID to select.
AIPS 2:                                    None selected => 1.
AIPS 2: BIF           0                    Lowest IF number 0=1
AIPS 2: EIF           0                    Highest IF number
AIPS 2: BCHAN         1                    Low channel number 0=>1
AIPS 2: ECHAN         0                    High channel number
AIPS 2: ANTENNAS   *all 0                  Antennas to list
AIPS 2: BASELINE   *all 0                  Baselines with ANTENNAS
AIPS 2: UVRANGE       0           0        UV range in kilolambda
AIPS 2: SUBARRAY      0                    Subarray, 0=>1
AIPS 2:                                    Cal. info for input:
AIPS 2: DOCALIB       2                    If >0 calibrate data
AIPS 2:                                    = 2 calibrate weights
AIPS 2: GAINUSE       2                    CAL (CL or SN) table to apply
AIPS 2: DOPOL        -1                    If >0 correct polarization.
AIPS 2: BLVER        -1                    BL table to apply.
AIPS 2: FLAGVER       1                    Flag table version
AIPS 2: DOBAND       -1                    If >0 apply bandpass cal.
AIPS 2:                                    Method used depends on value
AIPS 2:                                    of DOBAND (see HELP file).
AIPS 2: BPVER        -1                    Bandpass table version
AIPS 2: SMOOTH     *all 0                  Smoothing function. See
AIPS 2:                                    HELP SMOOTH for details.
AIPS 2: DPARM         1        *rest 0     Control info:
AIPS 2:                                    (1) 0=amp, 1=phase, 2=rms
AIPS 2:                                        3=amp+rms, 4=phase+rms
AIPS 2:                                        5=amp+phase, 6=delay,
AIPS 2:                                        7=rate, 8=SNR, 9=par. ang
AIPS 2:                                        10 = Tsys, 11=elev,
AIPS 2:                                        12 = multiband delay
AIPS 2:                                        N.B. Options 3 and 4 only
AIPS 2:                                        valid for OPTYPE = 'MATX'
AIPS 2:                                    (2) 0=vec avg, 1=scalar
AIPS 2:                                    (3) No. col (4-10) def=4.
AIPS 2:                                    (4) avg. time min (MATX,LIST)
AIPS 2:                                    (5) Type of gain listings:
AIPS 2:                                        0 => all with same scale
AIPS 2:                                        like DEC-10 listings;
AIPS 2:                                        1 => scan/source info at
AIPS 2:                                        source/scan boundaries.
AIPS 2:                                    (6) Matrix scaling control:
AIPS 2:                                        0 => plot amp & rms
AIPS 2:                                        matrices with same scale;
AIPS 2:                                        1 => self-scale each
AIPS 2:                                        separately.
AIPS 2: FACTOR        0                    When DPARM(5)=0 Multiply
AIPS 2:                                    gain listings by FACTOR,
AIPS 2:                                    0=> use scale factor from
AIPS 2:                                    first record printed.
AIPS 2: DOCRT         1                    > 0 -> use the terminal,
AIPS 2:                                    else use the line printer
AIPS 2:                                    > 72 => terminal width
AIPS 2: OUTPRINT   '                                                '
AIPS 2:                                    Printer disk file to save
AIPS 2: BADDISK    *all 0                  Disk to avoid for scratch.

> go listr
 mizar     LISTR(31DEC99)    213     28-OCT-2000  13:27:37    Page    1
File = 20001020    .K BAND.   1 Vol = 1  Userid =  213    IF =  1
Freq= 22.485100000 GHz   Ncor=  4   No. vis=    161624
Polarization = R    Subarray =   1
Listing CL table, version   3
Gain phases in degrees
Stokes = R    IF =  1 Freq = 22.485100000 GHz
  Time   Source     -- 1-- 2-- 3-- 4-- 5-- 6-- 7-- 8-- 9--10--11--12--13--14--15--16--17--18--19--20--21--22--23--24--25--26--27--28
Day #   0
01:01:50 1331+305    -15     131 163      57-101   0  -7 -14-114 -95 -45-168   9  11  14  85  97-138 -73-142     -82    -169-121-102
01:03:00 1331+305    -30      97 115      63-168   0 -79 -39-142-122 -39 158  17 -23 -48  21  30-170 -98-169    -121     156-168-133
01:59:20 20324+40    -80     133 151     101-101   0-105-119 -50  64 -37  95-126 -40 -62   5  -1 -24  -6-105     158     105  10  39
02:01:00 20324+40    -80     133 151     101-101   0-105-119 -50  64 -37  95-126 -40 -62   5  -1 -24  -6-105     158     105  10  39
02:01:47 20077+40    -80     133 151     101-101   0-105-119 -50  64 -37  95-126 -40 -62   5  -1 -24  -6-105     158     105  10  39
02:02:00 20077+40    -80     133 151     101-101   0-105-119 -50  64 -37  95-126 -40 -62   5  -1 -24  -6-105     158     105  10  39
02:02:43 20324+40
02:03:30 20324+40
05:12:30 20324+40
05:14:10 20324+40
05:14:30 20077+40    115     154 166     102-117   0 -90 -23  93  10  52 122 -85  10 -10   3  61  25  72 -79     167      34  58  51
05:15:10 20077+40    115     154 166     102-117   0 -90 -23  93  10  52 122 -85  10 -10   3  61  25  72 -79     167      34  58  51
05:15:27 20324+40    107     152 161      99-116   0 -92 -27  87  11  44 127 -88  -1 -22   0  57  22  66 -79     158      25  45  44
05:16:40 20324+40     91     150 150      95-115   0 -95 -36  76  12  29 137 -95 -21 -48  -7  49  17  54 -79     138       8  19  30
05:17:00 20077+40     86     149 146      93-115   0 -96 -39  72  13  23 141 -98 -28 -57 -10  46  16  49 -79     132       2  11  25
05:17:10 20077+40     86     149 146      93-115   0 -96 -39  72  13  23 141 -98 -28 -57 -10  46  16  49 -79     132       2  11  25
05:49:10 20324+40
05:50:37 20324+40
05:51:00 20324+40
05:52:40 20324+40
05:52:57 20077+40   -164    -178 -58      95 -79   0 -50 -54  43  77  50-130  -5 -27  45  53 104 170  91-103    -170      68 107 103
05:53:40 20077+40   -164    -178 -58      95 -79   0 -50 -54  43  77  50-130  -5 -27  45  53 104 170  91-103    -170      68 107 103
05:54:00 20324+40
05:54:40 20324+40
06:23:00 20324+40
06:24:40 20324+40
06:25:00 20077+40    117     173 -88      36 179   0-159 -20  32 -34-174  26-138  16 -52 122 118 -44  65-140    -112     127  79 -77
06:25:40 20077+40    117     173 -88      36 179   0-159 -20  32 -34-174  26-138  16 -52 122 118 -44  65-140    -112     127  79 -77
06:26:00 20324+40    110     168 -96      49 177   0-167 -28  46 -41 168  25-145  11 -69 107 106 -46  63-130    -120     114  54 -78
06:27:10 20324+40     98     158-109      72 173   0 180 -43  72 -53 137  25-159   3 -99  81  85 -48  59-111    -134      92  11 -80
06:27:27 20077+40     91     153-116      85 170   0 172 -51  87 -60 119  24-166  -2-116  67  73 -50  57-101    -142      79 -13 -81
06:28:10 20077+40     91     153-116      85 170   0 172 -51  87 -60 119  24-166  -2-116  67  73 -50  57-101    -142      79 -13 -81
06:28:30 20324+40
06:28:40 20324+40
06:56:50 20324+40
06:58:30 20324+40
06:58:50 20077+40     98    -160-126     107 -94   0  70  13  39-120  69 167 110 -34-105  63-166  57 144 -57      72     -48  51 -81
06:59:30 20077+40     98    -160-126     107 -94   0  70  13  39-120  69 167 110 -34-105  63-166  57 144 -57      72     -48  51 -81
06:59:50 20324+40     90     178-128     103-105   0  59  -1  25-142  46 168  96 -45 -99  47 165  42 116 -68      71     -60  45 -94
07:01:00 20324+40     77     141-132      95-124   0  38 -25   0-180   5 171  71 -63 -91  20 114  16  68 -87      69     -80  35-116
07:01:20 20077+40     69     120-134      90-136   0  27 -38 -14 159 -18 172  57 -73 -85   4  85   2  41 -97      68     -91  29-129
07:02:00 20077+40     69     120-134      90-136   0  27 -38 -14 159 -18 172  57 -73 -85   4  85   2  41 -97      68     -91  29-129
07:02:20 20324+40
07:02:30 20324+40
07:30:50 20324+40
07:32:30 20324+40
07:32:50 20077+40    164     -85  -1     137 -80   0  96-126 -67  -8 108 167-145-177  41-149 -85 126 -73-106      85    -149  31   2
07:33:30 20077+40    164     -85  -1     137 -80   0  96-126 -67  -8 108 167-145-177  41-149 -85 126 -73-106      85    -149  31   2
07:33:50 20324+40    140    -101  -4     129 -93   0  79-154 -84  -8  88 168-145-165   4-159 -80 136 -78-105      69    -139  36  23
07:35:00 20324+40     94    -130  -9     112-117   0  46 152-117  -9  51 171-144-142 -66-177 -70 155 -88-101      39    -120  45  65
07:35:20 20077+40     66    -148 -13     102-132   0  26 118-137  -9  28 173-144-128-110 172 -64 167 -95 -99      21    -108  51  91
07:36:00 20077+40     66    -148 -13     102-132   0  26 118-137  -9  28 173-144-128-110 172 -64 167 -95 -99      21    -108  51  91
07:36:20 20324+40     66    -148 -13     102-132   0  26 118-137  -9  28 173-144-128-110 172 -64 167 -95 -99      21    -108  51  91
07:36:30 20324+40     66    -148 -13     102-132   0  26 118-137  -9  28 173-144-128-110 172 -64 167 -95 -99      21    -108  51  91
LISTR2: Determining scaling parameters
LISTR2: Maximum absolute phase =    179.69786 degrees
 mizar     LISTR(31DEC99)    213     28-OCT-2000  13:28:09    Page    4
File = 20001020    .K BAND.   1 Vol = 1  Userid =  213    IF =  1
Freq= 22.485100000 GHz   Ncor=  4   No. vis=    161624
Polarization = L    Subarray =   1
Listing CL table, version   3
Gain phases in degrees
Stokes = L    IF =  1 Freq = 22.485100000 GHz
  Time   Source     -- 1-- 2-- 3-- 4-- 5-- 6-- 7-- 8-- 9--10--11--12--13--14--15--16--17--18--19--20--21--22--23--24--25--26--27--28
Day #   0
01:01:50 1331+305    -20      57 107     180  82   0 -44  10  12-141 -82-169-168  69 103 -59 102-112 -17 116      68     -33 -12 -92
01:03:00 1331+305    -34      28  59    -177  13   0-110 -11 -18-167 -71 161-150  38  44-120  37-144 -39  86      32     -63 -58-119
01:59:20 20324+40    -78      61  96    -144  79   0-142 -94  62  12 -76  91  65  16  27-140   8   0  53 142     -49    -118 119  48
02:01:00 20324+40    -78      61  96    -144  79   0-142 -94  62  12 -76  91  65  16  27-140   8   0  53 142     -49    -118 119  48
02:01:47 20077+40    -78      61  96    -144  79   0-142 -94  62  12 -76  91  65  16  27-140   8   0  53 142     -49    -118 119  48
02:02:00 20077+40    -78      61  96    -144  79   0-142 -94  62  12 -76  91  65  16  27-140   8   0  53 142     -49    -118 119  48
02:02:43 20324+40
02:03:30 20324+40
05:12:30 20324+40
05:14:10 20324+40
05:14:30 20077+40    109      86 108    -137  65   0-125   4-154 -39  15 124 106  67  83-140  70  50 137 176     -39     175 167  61
05:15:10 20077+40    109      86 108    -137  65   0-125   4-154 -39  15 124 106  67  83-140  70  50 137 176     -39     175 167  61
05:15:27 20324+40    100      85 102    -140  65   0-126  -1-161 -38   7 129 102  56  69-144  65  47 130 175     -50     166 153  53
05:16:40 20324+40     84      82  90    -145  66   0-130 -10-174 -38 -10 138  94  34  42-152  56  41 118 173     -71     147 126  39
05:17:00 20077+40     79      81  86    -147  66   0-131 -14-178 -37 -15 142  91  27  33-155  53  39 113 172     -78     141 116  34
05:17:10 20077+40     79      81  86    -147  66   0-131 -14-178 -37 -15 142  91  27  33-155  53  39 113 172     -78     141 116  34
05:49:10 20324+40
05:50:37 20324+40
05:51:00 20324+40


>tget clcal
> cutoff 0
>go clcal
CLCAL2: Task CLCAL  (release of 31DEC99) begins
CLCAL2: You are using a non-standard program
CLCAL2: Using interpolation mode SIMP
CLCAL2: Flagged    768 records from CL table no.    3
CLCAL2: Merging all extant SN tables
CLCAL2: WARNING: SN table    2 has already been applied
CLCAL2: WARNING: SN table    1 has already been applied
CLCAL2: SN2CL: Applying SN tables to CL table   2, writing CL table  3
CLCAL2: Appears to have ended successfully
CLCAL2: mizar        31DEC99 TST: Cpu=       0.2  Real=       0
AIPS 2: Resumes
>tget listr
> go listr
 mizar     LISTR(31DEC99)    213     28-OCT-2000  13:28:58    Page    1
File = 20001020    .K BAND.   1 Vol = 1  Userid =  213    IF =  1
Freq= 22.485100000 GHz   Ncor=  4   No. vis=    161624
Polarization = R    Subarray =   1
Listing CL table, version   3
Gain phases in degrees
Stokes = R    IF =  1 Freq = 22.485100000 GHz
  Time   Source     -- 1-- 2-- 3-- 4-- 5-- 6-- 7-- 8-- 9--10--11--12--13--14--15--16--17--18--19--20--21--22--23--24--25--26--27--28
Day #   0
01:01:50 1331+305    -15     131 163      57-101   0  -7 -14-114 -95 -45-168   9  11  14  85  97-138 -73-142     -82    -169-121-102
01:03:00 1331+305    -30      97 115      63-168   0 -79 -39-142-122 -39 158  17 -23 -48  21  30-170 -98-169    -121     156-168-133
01:59:20 20324+40    -80     133 151     101-101   0-105-119 -50  64 -37  95-126 -40 -62   5  -1 -24  -6-105     158     105  10  39
02:01:00 20324+40    -80     133 151     101-101   0-105-119 -50  64 -37  95-126 -40 -62   5  -1 -24  -6-105     158     105  10  39
02:01:47 20077+40    -80     133 151     101-101   0-105-119 -50  64 -37  95-126 -40 -62   5  -1 -24  -6-105     158     105  10  39
02:02:00 20077+40    -80     133 151     101-101   0-105-119 -50  64 -37  95-126 -40 -62   5  -1 -24  -6-105     158     105  10  39
02:02:43 20324+40    -81     133 151     101-101   0-105-119 -49  64 -36  95-126 -39 -62   5   0 -23  -6-105     158     105  11  39
02:03:30 20324+40    -82     133 151     101-101   0-104-118 -49  63 -36  95-126 -39 -62   5   0 -23  -5-105     158     104  11  39
05:12:30 20324+40    117     154 166     102-117   0 -90 -24  91  11  51 122 -85   9 -10   3  61  24  71 -79     167      35  58  51
05:14:10 20324+40    115     154 166     102-117   0 -90 -23  93  10  51 122 -85   9 -10   3  61  25  72 -79     167      34  58  51
05:14:30 20077+40    115     154 166     102-117   0 -90 -23  93  10  52 122 -85  10 -10   3  61  25  72 -79     167      34  58  51
05:15:10 20077+40    115     154 166     102-117   0 -90 -23  93  10  52 122 -85  10 -10   3  61  25  72 -79     167      34  58  51
05:15:27 20324+40    107     152 161      99-116   0 -92 -27  87  11  44 127 -88  -1 -22   0  57  22  66 -79     158      25  45  44
05:16:40 20324+40     91     150 150      95-115   0 -95 -36  76  12  29 137 -95 -21 -48  -7  49  17  54 -79     138       8  19  30
05:17:00 20077+40     86     149 146      93-115   0 -96 -39  72  13  23 141 -98 -28 -57 -10  46  16  49 -79     132       2  11  25
05:17:10 20077+40     86     149 146      93-115   0 -96 -39  72  13  23 141 -98 -28 -57 -10  46  16  49 -79     132       2  11  25
05:49:10 20324+40   -177     178 -76      95 -83   0 -56 -52  47  70  47-140 -16 -27  34  45  97 152  87-100    -177      61  96  94
05:50:37 20324+40   -173     179 -70      95 -81   0 -54 -53  46  72  48-136 -12 -27  38  48  99 158  88-101    -175      63 100  97
05:51:00 20324+40   -171     179 -68      95 -81   0 -53 -53  45  73  48-136 -11 -27  39  49 100 160  89-101    -174      64 101  98
05:52:40 20324+40   -166    -179 -61      95 -79   0 -51 -54  44  76  49-131  -7 -27  44  51 102 167  91-102    -171      67 105 101
05:52:57 20077+40   -164    -178 -58      95 -79   0 -50 -54  43  77  50-130  -5 -27  45  53 104 170  91-103    -170      68 107 103
05:53:40 20077+40   -164    -178 -58      95 -79   0 -50 -54  43  77  50-130  -5 -27  45  53 104 170  91-103    -170      68 107 103
05:54:00 20324+40   -166    -179 -59      94 -81   0 -53 -53  43  75  53-127  -8 -26  43  54 104 173  91-103    -169      69 106  99
05:54:40 20324+40   -168    -179 -59      93 -83   0 -55 -52  43  73  55-123 -11 -25  41  55 104 176  90-104    -168      71 106  95
06:23:00 20324+40    123     174 -86      41-173   0-151 -22  33 -26 176  14-128  13 -45 117 117 -55  67-137    -116     122  81 -64
06:24:40 20324+40    119     174 -88      37-179   0-157 -20  32 -31-177  22-135  15 -50 121 118 -47  65-139    -113     126  79 -73
06:25:00 20077+40    117     173 -88      36 179   0-159 -20  32 -34-174  26-138  16 -52 122 118 -44  65-140    -112     127  79 -77
06:25:40 20077+40    117     173 -88      36 179   0-159 -20  32 -34-174  26-138  16 -52 122 118 -44  65-140    -112     127  79 -77
06:26:00 20324+40    110     168 -96      49 177   0-167 -28  46 -41 168  25-145  11 -69 107 106 -46  63-130    -120     114  54 -78
06:27:10 20324+40     98     158-109      72 173   0 180 -43  72 -53 137  25-159   3 -99  81  85 -48  59-111    -134      92  11 -80
06:27:27 20077+40     91     153-116      85 170   0 172 -51  87 -60 119  24-166  -2-116  67  73 -50  57-101    -142      79 -13 -81
06:28:10 20077+40     91     153-116      85 170   0 172 -51  87 -60 119  24-166  -2-116  67  73 -50  57-101    -142      79 -13 -81
06:28:30 20324+40     91     154-116      85 172   0 170 -50  86 -61 118  27-168  -2-116  67  75 -47  59-100    -145      76 -12 -81
06:28:40 20324+40     91     154-116      85 173   0 170 -50  85 -62 117  28-169  -3-116  67  76 -47  60-100    -146      76 -12 -81
06:56:50 20324+40     97    -164-125     106-101   0  78   8  43-115  72 156 116 -32-105  63-175  49 137 -61      83     -39  46 -81
06:58:30 20324+40     97    -161-126     107 -96   0  72  11  40-118  70 164 112 -34-105  63-168  54 142 -58      75     -46  50 -81
06:58:50 20077+40     98    -160-126     107 -94   0  70  13  39-120  69 167 110 -34-105  63-166  57 144 -57      72     -48  51 -81
06:59:30 20077+40     98    -160-126     107 -94   0  70  13  39-120  69 167 110 -34-105  63-166  57 144 -57      72     -48  51 -81
06:59:50 20324+40     90     178-128     103-105   0  59  -1  25-142  46 168  96 -45 -99  47 165  42 116 -68      71     -60  45 -94
07:01:00 20324+40     77     141-132      95-124   0  38 -25   0-180   5 171  71 -63 -91  20 114  16  68 -87      69     -80  35-116
07:01:20 20077+40     69     120-134      90-136   0  27 -38 -14 159 -18 172  57 -73 -85   4  85   2  41 -97      68     -91  29-129
07:02:00 20077+40     69     120-134      90-136   0  27 -38 -14 159 -18 172  57 -73 -85   4  85   2  41 -97      68     -91  29-129
07:02:20 20324+40     71     123-131      91-134   0  28 -40 -15 155 -15 172  60 -75 -83   1  82   4  39 -97      68     -92  29-126
07:02:30 20324+40     71     124-130      91-134   0  29 -41 -16 154 -15 172  61 -76 -82   0  81   5  38 -97      68     -92  29-126
07:30:50 20324+40    156     -97 -11     134 -84   0  91-119 -63   4  98 167-157-169  31-138 -72 117 -64-106      83    -145  31  -8
07:32:30 20324+40    161     -89  -4     136 -81   0  94-124 -66  -5 105 167-149-175  38-146 -81 124 -70-106      84    -148  31  -1


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