[daip] FITLD question

Michael Bietenholz michael at polaris.phys.yorku.ca
Mon Oct 23 17:21:54 EDT 2000

   I just loaded some VLBA correlator (VLBA binary table) data using
31Dec99 FITLD.  The weights were all around 3.0.

Using previous versions of FITLD, the weights were all < 1.0, and I
thought that a weight of 1.0 mean that the weight was the fraction of
bits in the correlator integration period which were correlated.

What is the new scale factor that has apparently been introduced?  Is
there an easy way to actually determine the scale factor necessary to
get true 1/sigma^2 weights for an AIPS data set with the new FITLD? 

            thanks,                michael bietenholz

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