[daip] Re: 31DEC99 HGEOM bug

Eric Greisen egreisen at cv3.cv.nrao.edu
Wed Oct 18 18:56:32 EDT 2000

I have now looked at your e-mail in detail.  The help file is very
clear the the numeric center of the input image is place in the
numeric center of the output image if both APARM 3 and 4 are 0.  This
is what is does - and what the old HGEOM did if IMSIZE was smaller
than the second image (even in just 1 axis).  This default was
demanded by Jim Condon and Bill Cotton and is needed to assemble
pieces of a large image from a bunch of smaller ones.  He was right
that computing the ref pixel to use in that case was hard, where all
you had to do was read the ref pixels of image 2 and put them in the
aparm - so I made the default what Condon/Cotton wanted.

AS I have said, the old program had 2 defaults and a sharp switch
between them on the otherwise irrelevant size of image 2 - and no way
to get any control of the ref pixel other than the 2 defaults.

There is no problem other than getting users to read the help file


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