[daip] FITS files in FITAB vs FITTP

Shami Chatterjee shami at spacenet.tn.cornell.edu
Fri Oct 13 12:51:08 EDT 2000

I'm trying to export FITS files of autocorrelation data only for
downstream work with IDL), and it apears that with identical inputs
(and defaults) and the same data file, FITTP and FITAB produce very
different FITS files.

In particular, while IDL will read FITTP fits files, it does not like
files written by FITAB, primarily because FITAB labels the length of
NAXIS2 = 0.

Here are fragments from the headers:
SIMPLE  =                    T /                                                
BITPIX  =                  -32 /                                                
NAXIS   =                    7 /                                                
NAXIS1  =                    0 /No standard image just group                    
NAXIS2  =                    3 /                                                
NAXIS3  =                    1 /                                                
NAXIS4  =                  256 /                                                
NAXIS5  =                    8 /                                                
NAXIS6  =                    1 /                                                
NAXIS7  =                    1 /                                                
EXTEND  =                    T /This is the antenna file                        
BLOCKED =                    T /Tape may be blocked                             

SIMPLE  =                    T / Standard FITS file                             
BITPIX  =                    8 /                                                
NAXIS   =                    2 /                                                
NAXIS1  =            777777701 / Signature code for UV data in table            
NAXIS2  =                    0 / No data in primary array                       
EXTEND  =                    T / All data in tables                             
BLOCKED =                    T / Tape may be blocked                            

(with douvcomp=1)

Is this a known / desirable feature in FITAB?  I find that FITTP is more
useful to me for exporting files that IDL will read, at least in this
- Shami

 Shami Chatterjee       http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/~schatter/
 518 Space Sciences     
 Cornell University     Phone: (607) 255 9020
 Ithaca NY 14853        Fax  : (607) 255 8803

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