[daip] AIPS question

Eric Greisen egreisen at NRAO.EDU
Wed Mar 22 13:51:11 EST 2000

John Cartwright writes:

 > I have an AIPS question.  I would like to include LISTR in a runfile,
 > but when I do that it causes the runfile to choke because it queries me
 > every time it fills the page, i.e., "Type Q to stop, just hit RETURN to
 > continue".  Is there some way of disabling this so that LISTR just spits
 > out its entire output in one go?

         You are clearly asking LISTR to do an interactive display of
its output - namely to the CRT rather than the printer.  Either set
DOCRT=-1 for printed output, suitable to a batch-like operation, or
look at a few pages of LISTR on the CRT with interactive choice of
when to terminate it.


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