[daip] puthead problem ( with the user ! )

Miller Goss mgoss at aoc.nrao.edu
Tue Mar 14 23:11:20 EST 2000

Chris - I am having problems getting PUTHEAD to work . This is obviously
a user problem ! thanks for your help .


Here is an image imported into aips :

e=NONE      (MA)         Filename=1401.S.NAT  .ICLN  .   1
AIPS 1: Minimum=  -2.9922            Maximum= 204.5261 MilliJY/BEAM
AIPS 1: --------------------------------------------------------------
AIPS 1: Type    Pixels   Coord value  at Pixel    Coord incr   Rotat
AIPS 1: RA---SIN   500    14 03 57.649     250*      -12.000    0.00
AIPS 1: DEC--SIN   500   -34 04 34.680     250*       12.000    0.00
AIPS 1: S            1    1.000000E+00       1    1.0000E+00    0.00
AIPS 1: F            1    2.314000E+09       1    1.2400E+08    0.00
AIPS 1: --------------------------------------------------------------
AIPS 1: Map type=DIRTY               Number of iterations=       0
AIPS 1: Conv size=  59.24 X  35.49   Position angle=  -0.46
AIPS 1: Max ext file #: HI   1
AIPS 1: * => NOT the formal reference pixel on this axis

It really is a clean ( NORMAL )  = maptype .  I thought I knew how to
run PUTHEAD and change to maptype .

'PRODUCT '     Clean product code: 1 - 4 => normal, components,
               residual, points  (integer*2)

But if I put keyval 1 0
and  then puthead nothing happens ?

AIPS 1: PUTHEAD:  Verb to modify image header parameters.
AIPS 1: Adverbs         Values            Comments
AIPS 1: ----------------------------------------------------------------
AIPS 1: USERID        0                    User ID.  0=>current user
AIPS 1:                                      32000=>all users
AIPS 1: INNAME     '1401.S.NAT  '          Image name(name).
AIPS 1: INCLASS    'ICLN  '                Image name(class).
AIPS 1: INSEQ         1                    Image name(seq. #). 0=>high
AIPS 1: INDISK        2                    Disk drive #. 0=>any
AIPS 1: KEYWORD    'PRODUCT '              Name of header parameter.
AIPS 1:                                    See EXPLAIN PUTHEAD for list.
AIPS 1: KEYVALUE      1           0        Value given to numeric parm.
AIPS 1:                                    = KEYVALUE(1) + KEYVALUE(2).
AIPS 1: KEYSTRNG   '                '      Value given to a character-
AIPS 1:                                    valued parameter.
AIPS 1: KEYTYPE    '    '                  Data type for new keyword
AIPS 1: Image=NONE      (MA)         Filename=1401.S.NAT  .ICLN  .   1
AIPS 1: Minimum=  -2.9922            Maximum= 204.5261 MilliJY/BEAM
AIPS 1: --------------------------------------------------------------
AIPS 1: Type    Pixels   Coord value  at Pixel    Coord incr   Rotat
AIPS 1: RA---SIN   500    14 03 57.649     250*      -12.000    0.00
AIPS 1: DEC--SIN   500   -34 04 34.680     250*       12.000    0.00
AIPS 1: S            1    1.000000E+00       1    1.0000E+00    0.00
AIPS 1: F            1    2.314000E+09       1    1.2400E+08    0.00
AIPS 1: --------------------------------------------------------------
AIPS 1: Map type=DIRTY               Number of iterations=       0
AIPS 1: Conv size=  59.24 X  35.49   Position angle=  -0.46
AIPS 1: Max ext file #: HI   1
AIPS 1: * => NOT the formal reference pixel on this axis

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