[daip] aips_gripe

CV Guest 4 raven at NRAO.EDU
Sat Mar 11 19:00:09 EST 2000

{11-MAR-2000 18:56:48}
{daphne       UN-REGISTERED!!!!!!!}
{ 1357  31DEC99  SOL}
{JHibbard, JHigdon}
{cf jhibbard 8042}
{UJOIN, DOWEIGHT=2 does not work as advertised.
 Does not delete both sides of the spectrum when one IF is missing
 (we aer working in 4IF mode, where each IF contains half of the
 desired velocity range). THis leads to very bad things when fitting
 the continuum via UVLSF
{UJOIN DOWEIGHT=2 doesnt work}
{jhigdon at astro.rug.nl}
{ }

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