[daip] 31dec99

Patrick P. Murphy pmurphy at NRAO.EDU
Wed Jun 28 15:15:59 EDT 2000

Sorry for dropping the ball on this one.  I've been devoting most of my
time to the install.pl script, which should render this sort of query a
moot point.

On Thu, 22 Jun 2000 11:42:00 -0500 (CDT), Ryan Miller
   <ryanm at zammis.cas.nwu.edu> said: 

> I am trying to install 31dec99 on a soalris 7 machine.  I currently have
> 15OCT99 installed.  We use gcc and g77, not the Sun compilers(cc and
> f77).  I follow the instructions, but it keeps trying to use the cc and
> f77 when it compiles.

Then your best bet is to edit update.pl around line 77 and 78 and change
it from this:

 --------- old code -------------
if (($arch =~ /LINUX/) || ($arch =~ /BSD/)) {
    $cc = "gcc";
    $f77 = "g77";
    printf "Debug: using gcc/g77, found Linux or *BSD\n" if ($opt_d);
} else {
    printf "Using ARCH=$arch; This should be the AIPS architecture\n";
    $cc = "cc";
    $f77 = "f77";
    printf "Debug: using cc/f77, not Linux or *BSD\n" if ($opt_d);
 --------- old code -------------

to this:

 --------- NEW code -------------
if (($arch =~ /LINUX/) || ($arch =~ /BSD/)) {
    $cc = "gcc";
    $f77 = "g77";
    printf "Debug: using gcc/g77, found Linux or *BSD\n" if ($opt_d);
} else {
    printf "Using ARCH=$arch; This should be the AIPS architecture\n";
    $cc = "gcc";
    $f77 = "g77";
    printf "Debug: using cc/f77, not Linux or *BSD\n" if ($opt_d);
--------- NEW code -------------

Sorry again for the delay.

				- Pat

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