[daip] AIPS CD-rom

Patrick P. Murphy pmurphy at NRAO.EDU
Tue Jun 6 10:40:20 EDT 2000

On Mon, 5 Jun 2000 17:16:47 -0400 (EDT), Alexander Nindos
   <anindos at astro.umd.edu> said: 

AN> I am a research associate at the astronomy department of the
AN> university of Maryland and I recently bought a laptop which operates
AN> under Linux RedHat 6.2. I want to install AIPS on the laptop. My
AN> question to you is: can you send me a CD-ROM which contains the
AN> binaries for the RedHat Linux installation of the 31Dec99 version of
AN> AIPS? I 'm asking because it 's not clear from your webpages whether
AN> such CD-roms for the latest AIPS version are available.

They are not currently available, for the simple reason that 31DEC99
changes on a daily basis.  We are looking at this issue but have not as
yet come up with a solution.  The promised improved "install.pl" script
will help in this regard but it's not yet available.

For now, you can either opt for a 15OCT99 CD, or download the 31DEC99
"tarball" for installation, or both.  

				- Pat
  Patrick P. Murphy, Ph.D.            Division Head, Charlottesville Computing
  (804) 296-0372, 296-0236                National Radio Astronomy Observatory
  Home: http://www.goof.com/~pmurphy/   Work: http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~pmurphy/
   "Linux is Inevitable."  "Why?"  "Because it's alive!" - John MadDog Hall

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