[daip] UVPLT antenna specification.

Craig Walker cwalker at aoc.nrao.edu
Tue Jul 18 17:40:08 EDT 2000

I am running UVPLT with restricted antenna lists.  There are 
12 antennas in my file.  I tried back to back runs of the
program with:

AIPS 1: ANTENNAS    -11        *rest 0     Antennas to plot
AIPS 1: BASELINE    -11        *rest 0     Baselines with ANTENNAS

and with:

AIPS 1: ANTENNAS      1           2        Antennas to plot
AIPS 1:               3           4           5           6
AIPS 1:               7           8           9          10
AIPS 1:              12        *rest 0
AIPS 1: BASELINE      1           2        Baselines with ANTENNAS
AIPS 1:               3           4           5           6
AIPS 1:               7           8           9          10
AIPS 1:              12        *rest 0

and get a different plot.  It looks like the plot with antennas=baseline
=-11 gives all baselines, including those to 11, while the second scheme
avoids the antenna 11 baselines.  The number of points plotted in the
first case is 20599 and the second gives 16569.

I conclude that the advertised ability to plot a subset of antennas
by giving one negative does not work.  This may account for some of
my confusion yesterday trying to figure out what was what.


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