[daip] Proposed list for annual update

Patrick P. Murphy pmurphy at NRAO.EDU
Wed Dec 6 10:08:30 EST 2000

This is based on a quick perusal of my old "quarterly update" document,
dating from about March of 1999.  This is terse but I wanted to get a
skeleton pinned down for this meeting.

  1.  Announcement on mnj list of imminent rollover
  2.  Stop the midnight jobs
      2.1  Edit ~aipsmgr/mnj.config, set "$enable = 0;"
      2.2  Edit local do_daily.config files in CV (gibbon only?)
      2.3  Disable checkout system (touch AIPS_IS_FROZEN.TST)
  3.  Precautions (on kochab):
      3.1  Backup /home/aips1/master/OLD (and NEW and TST?)
      3.2  Backup $OLD in case we blow it away
      3.3  (Optional) Backup $NEW and $TST for paranoia
  4.  Create new version as aipssrc (on kochab):
      4.1  cd /aips1/master; rm OLD; mv NEW OLD; mv TST NEW; cp -r NEW TST
      4.2  cd TST; chgrp aipspgmr . *
      4.3  cd ../TST/UPDATE; make *.UPD files empty (except WHATISOUT.UPD
      4.4  cd ../../NEW/UPDATE; emacs WHATISOUT.UPD: change TST to NEW in it
      4.5  [as aipsmgr] allout TST /AIPS/31DEC01 >allout.out 2>allout.err &
      4.6  Edit AIPSPATH.SH, AIPSASSN.SH in /AIPS so TST=31DEC01.
  5.  Prepare for recompile on kochab:
      5.1  raw RCS co -l on $APLSUB/GETRLS.FOR, change version, raw RCS ci -u.
      5.2  Check $INC/PAPC.INC for desired AP size
      5.3  mkdir $LOAD $LIBR $LIBRDBG (or delete DOTWOLIB?)
      5.4  Make sure there's disk space (this can be tedious)
      5.5  Run ~aipssrc/bin/adiff to compare 31DEC00 and 31DEC01 trees
      5.6  Set up exclude.31dec01 file (copy of exclude.31dec00, edited)
      5.7  Rebuild $SYSLOCAL utilities (6 C progs, plus PP.FOR)
  6.  Start the rebuild:
      6.1  Remake libreadline.a (on Linux, symlink to the /usr/lib version)
      6.2  Remake XAS
      6.4  ( ./INSTEP2 >/dev/null 2>INSTEP2.ERR )   [start by hand first?]
      6.5  ( ./INSTEP4 >/dev/null 2>INSTEP4.ERR )   [ditto?]
      6.6  set DA00 to TEMPLATE area, $LOAD/FILAIP.EXE and POPSGN.EXE
      6.7  (Optional) DDT or small Y2K to test it all works
  7.  Cleanup on kochab:
      7.1  Re-enable checkout system (rm AIPS_IS_FROZEN.TST)
      7.2  Enable limited checkouts for NEW  (touch AIPS_SHOULD_BE_FROZEN.NEW)
      7.3  Check symlinks AIPS and aips exist in $SYSLOCAL
      7.4  Rebuild HLPIT.LIS??? and run SHOPH if needed
      7.5  Modify $SYSUNIX versions of AIPSPATH.CSH/SH in TST (and NEW)
      7.6  Make $TSTMEM area setgid to aipsuser, contents aipsuser and go+rw.
      7.7  edit CHANGE.DOC in TST and NEW (CHANGED.00A when NEW is frozen)
  8.  Rebuild NEW on kochab?  See old notes
  9.  Repeat relevant parts of this (which?) for /home/aips in CV, elsewhere

I stopped itemizing the details at 8 as it gets messy there, and I haven't
fully thought out the best, easiest way to do this (distribute a tarball,
do another allout...)

We should discuss a timeframe for doing this at the meeting.  I propose
starting ASAP.

				- Pat

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