[daip] about TV

Eric Greisen egreisen at cv3.cv.nrao.edu
Wed Aug 23 15:34:18 EDT 2000

Kazuya Hachisuka writes:

 >  I would like to display together both of the image of source 
 > and the error bars from results of JMFIT. 
 >  Is this possible on the AIPS?

     I am not sure I even know what sort of display you might have in
mind.  The image may be displayed with TVLOD, you could enter the
results of JMFIT (by hand I suspect) as STARS and have TVSTAR display
them.  You could have the widths of the Guassians as the size
parameters in the STARS file.  But the error bars - there are 6 -
flux, x, y, major, minor, and pa - were you visualizing vectors of
some sort or what?  I cannot think how one would display such a thing
(or why for that matter).  The verb TVLINE can display a vector on the
screen, but you have to give it the coordinates of the end points.

If you mean the *results* of JMFIT - then can be entered into a text
file and then read into AIPS with STARS and then plotted with STFACT
in plot programs and TVSTARS on the TV directly.

Eric Greisen

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