[daip] Re: Question about CLEAN boxes

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Fri Aug 4 13:05:23 EDT 2000

Bill Cotton writes:

 >    I've been trying to write an application in your AIPS and I have a
 > question about setting the CLEAN boxes.  The CLEAN box array in QCLEAN
 > is grotesque (4,2048,512) but in IMAGR it's only two dimensional
 > and somewhat smaller (4,131072).  How does one actually set a rational
 > number of CLEAN boxes for a multiple field CLEAN without blowing the
 > national budget on RAM?

     What version of QCLEAN are you reading?  In the QCLEAN I have in
31DEC99 it is a 2-dimensional array (4,MXNBFL) where 
         MXNBFL = 256 * 512.
The scheme is to allow up to 2048 boxes per field so long as the
number of fields * max # boxes stays less than MXNBFL.  This was to
avoid blowing the budget in RAM and yet give the user an adequate
(according to Frazier) number of boxes when doing only a few fields.
For large 4-band projects, think of 256 as the upper limit.


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