[daip] TECOR

Jim Ulvestad julvesta at aoc.nrao.edu
Wed Apr 26 11:02:24 EDT 2000

Hi all,

I was using TECOR last week, and found it quite awkward to have to
hack two files together for a VLBA run that went across midnight.
There are no instructions for how to do so; I figured it out 
eventually and managed to make it work, but at the expense of
deleting the header for the second day's file (among other things),
which means the first day's biases were used for the second day's

It seems that it would be easier just to tell users to run TECOR
twice, once for each day's data, and fill the CL table appropriately.
However, TECOR fails if it doesn't cover the entire time range of
the CL table.

Is this easily fixable in AIPS, or do we need to supply the users
with a recipe for concatenating files?



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