[Calendar] Meeting Reservation Request: Comet Tracking MR CCC ISsues

Mark Whitehead mwhitehe at nrao.edu
Wed Jan 2 08:57:28 EST 2013

 ***** ACTION REQUIRED *****

RESERVATION REQUEST from Mark Whitehead:

Calendar(s): GB-137  

Date:        Jan-03-2012 

Start:       01:00 pm 

End:         02:00 pm 


Repeat:      0 times

Category:    none 

Title:       Comet Tracking MR CCC ISsues 

Type:        Both 

Video Hub:    

<begin description>
Meeting organizer:
Meeting participants:

Call-in instructions:

Other info:

<end description>

 WebEvent login: https://calendar.nrao.edu/cgi-bin/publish/webevent.cgi?cmd=login

Please make this reservation if possible using the login above.

      Date: Wed Jan  2 08:57:28 2013
  Referrer: http://www.nrao.edu/internal/reserve.shtml
 Remote IP:
   Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.7; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/7.0.1

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