[Calendar] WebEvent calendar server switchover and downtime

Jeff Mangum jmangum at nrao.edu
Thu May 5 15:36:50 EDT 2005

Hi Folks,

On 2005/05/11 (next Wednesday) starting at 4:00 EDT Pat and I will start 
the port of the WebEvent calendar server from Tucson to CV.  Since this 
involves copying the database and, therefore, temporarily making it 
impossible to schedule calendar events, we have chosen this date and 
time to be the least disruptive to you all.  During the switchover period:

   1. The calendar server in Tucson will continue to serve requests for
      calendar information.
   2. It will not be possible to schedule calendar events which will
      transition to the CV installation.
   3. Because of (1) and (2), we will install an "interceptor" page
      which, whenever anyone goes to calendar.nrao.edu, will tell people
      that the calendar is being upgraded and that no requests using the
      "Add Event" button in WebEvent should be made at this time.
   4. The event request button's on Alan's calendar pages will still
      work, since they only send email to the calendar administrators.

We fully expect to have this switch made by the time NRAO Socorro opens 
on Wednesday morning.

Please let me know if this plan interferes with your calendar 
administration duties.



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