[Calendar] WebEvent: General Meeting: Public Event Submission

WebEvent nraocal at nrao.edu
Wed Jun 8 14:14:17 EDT 2005

WebEvent Public Event Submission
The following event has been submitted by a member of the 
public.  It will not be shown on public calendars until it 
is marked as approved. 

From: Al Wootten
Email: awootten at nrao.edu
Title: From Z to A: Z-Machines to ALMA
Date: Thursday, January 13, 2005
Time: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.  Mountain Time (US and Canada) Time
Calendar: General Meeting

 An ALMA-related workshop on the new suite of ultrawide-bandwidth (sub)millimeter spectrometers now under development for several telescopes. The main goals of such a workshop (tentatively titled: "From Z to A: Z-Machines to ALMA") would be to familiarize the community with these instruments' capabilities, highlight the most important scientific questions about dusty high-redshift galaxies that they will be able to address in the near term, and discuss how observing programs can be designed to optimize synergy with ALMA and the EVLA on longer timescales. This would be a small workshop (~60 participants) held in Charlottesville following the Washington DC meeting of the AAS. The ANASAC is spearheading this effort; volunteers for the Scientific Organizing Committee are being identified.


The following event was submitted:

author: guest
body: %20An%20ALMA-related%20workshop%20on%20the%20new%20suite%20of%20ultrawide-bandwidth%20%28sub%29millimeter%20spectrometers%20now%20under%20development%20for%20several%20telescopes.%20The%20main%20goals%20of%20such%20a%20workshop%20%28tentatively%20titled%3A%20%22From%20Z%20to%20A%3A%20Z-Machines%20to%20ALMA%22%29%20would%20be%20to%20familiarize%20the%20community%20with%20these%20instruments%27%20capabilities%2C%20highlight%20the%20most%20important%20scientific%20questions%20about%20dusty%20high-redshift%20galaxies%20that%20they%20will%20be%20able%20to%20address%20in%20the%20near%20term%2C%20and%20discuss%20how%20observing%20programs%20can%20be%20designed%20to%20optimize%20synergy%20with%20ALMA%20and%20the%20EVLA%20on%20longer%20timescales.%20This%20would%20be%20a%20small%20workshop%20%28%7E60%20participants%29%20held%20in%20Charlottesville%20following%20the%20Washington%20DC%20meeting%20of%20the%20AAS.%20The%20ANASAC%20is%20spearheading%20this%20effort%3B%20volunteers%2!
bodytype: text
cals: cal24
category: 4
contactemail: awootten at nrao.edu
contactname: Al%20Wootten
ctime: 1118254418
Audio/Video/Both/Local: Video
Video hub: CV%20Aud
day: 13
endtime: 1700
gmt_end: 1105660800
gmt_start: 1105628400
month: 01
mtime: 1118254418
notifyemail: awootten at nrao.edu
priority: -1
rd: 13
repeatmethod: numtimes
rm: 01
ry: 2005
starttime: 0800
timezone: 7
title: From%20Z%20to%20A%3A%20Z-Machines%20to%20ALMA
titlecolor: #000000
titlestyle: normal
transid: 130427
type: meet
year: 2005

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