[Calendar] WebEvent: AOC Conference Room 223: Public Event Submission

WebEvent nraocal at nrao.edu
Fri Apr 1 11:45:22 EST 2005

WebEvent Public Event Submission
The following event has been submitted by a member of the 
public.  It will not be shown on public calendars until it 
is marked as approved. 

From: N Peereboom
Email: npeerebo at aoc.nrao.edu
Title: Shielded Connector for ALMA plug-in modules
Date: Monday, April 4, 2005
Time: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.  Mountain Time (US and Canada) Time
Calendar: AOC Conference Room 223

Discuss proposal for plug-in module shielded connector with a vendor


The following event was submitted:

author: guest
body: Discuss%20proposal%20for%20plug-in%20module%20shielded%20connector%20with%20a%20vendor
bodytype: text
cals: cal56
category: 1
contactemail: npeerebo at aoc.nrao.edu
contactname: N%20Peereboom
ctime: 1112373903
day: 4
endtime: 1400
gmt_end: 1112648400
gmt_start: 1112634000
month: 04
mtime: 1112373903
notifyemail: npeerebo at aoc.nrao.edu
priority: -1
rd: 04
repeatmethod: numtimes
rm: 04
ry: 2005
starttime: 1000
timezone: 7
title: Shielded%20Connector%20for%20ALMA%20plug-in%20modules
titlecolor: #000000
titlestyle: normal
transid: 126127
type: meet
year: 2005

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