[Calendar] WebEvent port from TUC to CV 2004/07/13

Jeff Mangum jmangum at nrao.edu
Mon Jul 12 08:07:15 EDT 2004

Hello Calendar Administrators,

At 07:00 EDT on 2004/07/13 (tuesday) Pat and I will port the WebEvent
calendar system from the Tucson web server (Wallabies) to the
Charlottesville web server (Donar).  This port should be seamless,
which means that it should not require any changes in the way you
administer the calendar system.  

As this changeover will involve copying the existing Tucson calendar
database, please do not make any changes to any of the WebEvent
calendars following close of business on 2004/07/12 (monday).  This
changeover should only take a few hours.  I will send around an email
when the system is ready for use on the new server.

Please let me know if you have questions.



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