[bananas] Removing HORUS and MX

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Tue Apr 21 19:48:54 EDT 2009

I am making changes in how DO3DIM=FALSE is done which will make the 
imaging done in that mode a great deal more correct.  Unfortunately, it 
has attributes which make the gridding and subtraction routines in MX 
and HORUS not work.  I am assuming that these two tasks are obsolete and 
plan to remove them from the system rather than rather substantially 
rewrite the inner workings of these tasks.  IMAGR replaces all of their 
functionality and offers a great deal better weighting, interactivity, 
multi-facet and multi-scale.

If anyone requires these tasks still, please let me know as soon as 
possible.  MX is still used here at the AOC but it is likely that those 
uses were all DDT tests which will also have to be removed (replaced by 


Eric Greisen

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