[bananas] Patches for 31DEC04: policy change

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Fri Apr 22 10:57:00 EDT 2005

I have applied a number of "patches" to the 31DEC04 release and have
reversed our long-standing policy regarding frozen releases being

With previous releases, we did not change the frozen release tar ball;
user sites were required to download the text files and do any
compilations themselves.  But, beginning with 31DEC04, we provide
binary releases for which user sites are not required to have
compilers.  Therefore, we have reversed our policy. These patches have
been applied to the official code of 31DEC04 and may be downloaded
using a 31DEC04 "Midnight Job".  Any tarball taken after the change
date listed below will already have the patches applied.  Of course,
you may still download and compile the files as before.

Note that the CDs remain unchanged however.

The patches are:

   1. OTFUV/OTFIN revised to handle byte-swapped input data      2005-01-06
   2  CXPOLN procedure, CXCLN task need modern image names       2005-04-22
   3. Correct error handling, FLAGVER default in TVFLG and SPFLG 2005-04-22
   4. WIPER function FLAG AREA aborted on wrong button push      2005-04-22
   5. FIXBX could handle complicated cases but not simple ines   2005-04-22
   6. POSSM used wrong units in output text file                 2005-04-22
   7. CL2HF aborts under Linux                                   2005-04-22
   8. TCOPY used wrong (old) tape LUNs                           2005-04-22

Ernie Allen, after many years of service to the NRAO and the AIPS
Group in particular, has decided to retire.  All inquiries about AIPS
including requests for copies of the CDs must now be addressed to the
AIPS Group, NRAO, P. O. Box O, Socorro, NM, 87801.  We wish Ernie all
of the best in his new life.


Eric Greisen

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