[bananas]Patches to 31DEC02

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Wed May 21 17:17:22 EDT 2003



Tasks and other things for which patches have been made:

   1. KNTR to handle LTYPE not 3 for polarization vectors        2003-01-03
   2. FITLD to handle multiple data types in one tape            2003-01-03
   3. IRING to correct the centering.                            2003-01-10
   4  LWPLA ignored ASPMM for new GREYS, KNTR, PCNTR plots.      2003-01-16
   5. FILLM and PRTTP read error for VLA archive disk files      2003-03-20
   6. INDXR did not fill CL table properly                       2003-05-21

ID:           1.
Task:         KNTR

Summary:      KNTR needed more coordinate manipulation to handle
              plotting of polarization vectors when LTYPE=4 through 7.

Files:        /31DEC02/Y/PGM/KNTR.FOR

Fix:          1. Fetch the file listed above and place it in the
                 corresponding areas ($YPGM) on your system.
              2. COMLNK $YPGM/KNTR.FOR

Documentor:   Eric W. Greisen
Date:         2003-01-03

ID:           2.
Task:         FITLD

Summary:      FITLD interpreted the BIF/EIF adverbs for the first data
              file. If later data files have a different number of
              IFs, errors would occur.  It was fixed to interpret the
              users' adverbs at each file.

Files:        /31DEC02/APL/PGM/NOTST/FITLD.FOR

Fix:          1. Fetch the file listed above and place it in
                 the corresponding area on your system ($APGNOT).
              2. COMLNK $APGNOT/FITLD

Documentor:   Eric W. Greisen
Date:         2003-01-03

ID:           3.
Task:         IRING

Summary:      The coordinates of the center were miscomputed by one in
              each axis.

Files:        /31DEC02/Y/PRM/NOTST/IRING.FOR

Fix:          1. Fetch the file listed above and place it in the
                 corresponding area ($YPGNOT) on your system. 
              2. COMLNK $YPGNOT/IRING

Documentor:   Eric W. Greisen
Date:         2003-01-10

ID:           4.
Task:         LWPLA

Summary:      LWPLA ignored ASPMM for the new plot types assigned to
              GREYS, KNTR, and PCNTR.  It also asserted that
              multi-page PostScript files are encapsulated, which by
              definition they are not.

Files:        /31DEC02/APL/DEV/ZLWIO.FOR

Fix:          1. Fetch the files listed above and place them in
                 the corresponding areas ($APLGEN, $YPGM RESP.) on
                 your system.
              2. COMRPL $APLGEN/ZLWIO
              3. COMLNK $YPGM/LWPLA

Documentor:   Eric W. Greisen
Date:         2003-01-16

ID:           5.
Task:         FILLM, PRTTP

Summary:      FILLM and PRTTP had an error in reading VLA archive data
              from disk.  The first (and in this case only )physical
              record in a logical record could contain fewer than 13
              2048-byte records.  A correction for this was not
              applied, although the case where later physical records
              in the logical record were "short" was handled.

Files:        /31DEC02/APL/PGM/PRTTP.FOR

Fix:          1. Fetch the files listed above and place them in
                 the corresponding areas ($APLPGM nad $APGNOT, resp.)
                 on your system.

Documentor:   Eric W. Greisen
Date:         2003-03-20

ID:           6.
Task:         INDXR

Summary:      When the VLA correction to the CL table were added, a
              branch was added that caused single AN-table VLBI files
              to have a CL table with no data from the IM and MC
              tables.  It also failed to do VLA opacity and gain
              corrections when the user specified the opacity or
              requested only gain.

Files:        /31DEC02/APL/PGM/OOP/INDXR.FOR

Fix:          1. Fetch the file listed above and place it in the
                 corresponding area ($APGOOP) on your system. 
              2. COMLNK $APGOOP/INDXR

Documentor:   Eric W. Greisen
Date:         2003-05-21


Eric Greisen

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