
Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Tue Dec 2 17:58:39 EST 2003

WE have created a new version 31DEC04 which will be the new main
developemnt release.  31DEC03 is now in its "slushy" state - where
changes are made to fix bugs but new things are mostly avoided.
31DEC03 will be frozen at the end of the month assuming that there are
no serious problems.  31DEC02 is accessible but prehaps only until
tomorrow.  MNJs on 31DEC03 will work fine even if you view that as TST
and we view it as NEW (another benefit of the cvs MNJ system).  They
stop working after 31DEC03 is fully frozen and you have brought your
version completely up to date.

You will need to install 31DEC04 from the tar ball if you want to stay
current with the developement release - but there is clearly no


Eric Greisen

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