[bananas]corrected instructions for MNJ update

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Fri Apr 11 12:13:42 EDT 2003

And then I forgot to include them!

There was an error in the previous instructions.  I said copy the
files to $SYSLOCAL - which is wrong.  They must go to $AIPS_ROOT and
be edited there to get the proper assignement of $AIPS_ROOT reset.  IT
is probably a good idea to remove the files HOSTS.*SH. LOGIN.*SH, and
START_AIPS from your $SYSLOCAL.  Sorry about this!!

I have made a change that should allow stand-alone AIPS installations,
primarily laptops, to avoid a painful problem.  AIPS has assumed that
the host name for Internet and AIPS purposes may be determined with 

uname -n

For laptops that plug in to LANs at a variety of sites and locations
within sites, the result of uname -n has often been a name such as


or some such.  This requires that the aips user add this name to
$AIPS_ROOT/HOSTS.LIST and make a link file by this name in $NET0
pointing at the actual AIPS control files for that computer.

The change is to the files in $SYSUNIX names START_AIPS, HOSTS.SH,
HOSTS.CSH, LOGIN.SH and LOGIN.CSH among others.  The above five files
must now be copied from $SYSUNIX to your $AIPS_ROOT and then edited to
insert the correct AIPS_ROOT for "DEFINE_ME".  Also copy two new files
names SETNAME and SETUNAME from $SYSUNIX to $AIPS_ROOT.  Of course, if
you have special local modifications of these scripts, then those
modifications will need to be moved into the new versions.

There is a logical called LAPTOP in LOGIN.SH and LOGIN.CSH.  If this
is changed to "YES" from "NO" - or if the current uname -n produces
dhcp* - then $HOST will be set to LOCALHOST and the default TV
location will be localhost.  You will need to add LOCALHOST to your
HOSTS.LIST and make a link file in $NET0 pointing to the control files
you want to use.  Thus, if my laptop is called primate when it is not
connected to a LAN, then I want to enter
   cd $AIPS_ROOT/DA00
The data areas also need setting up - either by adding LOCALHOST_n
links to the PRIMATE_n data areas or by adding da=primate to the aips
command line every time.

Eric Greisen

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