[bananas] New Web service for AIPS users

Bill Cotton bcotton at nrao.edu
Wed Aug 5 10:09:09 EDT 1998

    This is an announcement of a new Web service for AIPS users making
images from low frequency radio interferometer data.  This Web service
(http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~bcotton/NVSSAIPS.html) uses the NRAO/VLA Sky
Survey (NVSS) catalog to produce a list of potentially confusing
sources around a specified celestial position.  The result is in the
form of an AIPS RUN file that may be cut and pasted into an AIPS
window that sets up the input ADVERBS for AIPS task IMAGR to add extra
fields around these confusing sources.  Selection of source is by
region of the sky and peak 20 cm flux density after correction for the
antenna  gain at the frequency of observation.

   The NVSS survey was made with the NRAO VLA array at 20 cm
wavelength (1.4 GHz) with a resolution of 45", full sky coverage north
of -40 degrees declination, and a limiting source peak brightness of
about 2.5 mJy (worse near the galactic plane).  The NVSS is nearing
completion and the catalog contains more than 1.8 million sources.

Bill Cotton

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