Position Available

Billie Rodriguez, 804 296-0312 brodrigu at nrao.edu
Fri Aug 9 13:59:56 EDT 1996


The AIPS++ Project is an international collaboration by a
consortium of  radio observatories with the goal of developing a
software package for the  processing of radio astronomical data. 
The project is managed by the National Radio Astronomy

The AIPS++ Project has a job vacancy at the National Radio
Astronomy Observatory  site in Green Bank, West Virginia in
connection with the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The GBT is now
under construction and is due to be commissioned in 1997.   It
will be the world's largest fully steerable single dish radio
telescope. The data reduction software for the GBT is being
written in the AIPS++ system.

An active PhD level astronomer with an interest and experience in
software development is sought.  Experience in the use of single
dish radio telescopes is required. Some familiarity with
object-oriented methods and C++ is desirable.  Experience in  a
large software project would be advantageous.  Pursuit of
astronomical research is  expected (25% research time).

The duties will be to participate in the design and coding of GBT
data reduction software, to help and advise astronomers on the
use of AIPS++ software, and to manage the local AIPS++

Application deadline is October 15, 1996.

Further information is available for both the AIPS++ Project and
the NRAO GBT from the NRAO Home Page http://www.nrao.edu .

Applications should be addressed to J. Lowell, Personnel Office,
NRAO, P.O. Box 0, Socorro, NM or jlowell at nrao.edu .

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