[asac] Interim EA ALMA Project Scientist

Satoru IGUCHI s.iguchi at nao.ac.jp
Tue Jun 19 07:40:11 EDT 2012

Dear all, 

We appointed Daisuke Iono as interim EA ALMA Project Scientist replacing Masao Saito from July 1st. 

He has obtained his Ph.D. in Astronomy from the University of Massachusetts. He has commissioning experience of the SMA and the NRO 45-m telescope. At the NRO, his primary responsibilities were operation of the observatory, software development for the 45-m telescope, science promotion, and public outreach as NRO science lead. For the past two years, he has also been involved in CASA development as the CASA sub-system scientist of NAOJ.

His main science interests are molecular gas observations of interacting/merging galaxies and submm observations of high-z galaxies. He has used various radio instruments in the world such as the VLA, OVRO, SMA, CARMA and the 45-m Telescope to carry out his science goals, and most of the observational results have been published in refereed journals. He currently has two ongoing cycle 0 projects at ALMA.

Best regards,
EA ALMA Project Manager

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