[asac] ASAC charges

cerni at damir.iem.csic.es cerni at damir.iem.csic.es
Wed Sep 19 04:56:35 EDT 2007

Dear ASAC 
Please, remember that the deadline for the first draft
of your contributions is tomorrow ! I would like to
prepare a draft of the ASAC answer to the Board by the
end of next week in order to have the possibility to discuss
these points during the next telecon on October 3rd.

My personal point of view on charge 2 & 3 is that there is not
too much to say with respect the ASAC repport of Nov 2006.
However, I think that all aspects related to the CSV (and AIV)
could be considered carefully. Those of you (John Bally, Michiel, Andrew)
that were in charge looking for the commissioning (number of astronomers 
working in the teams, time for commissioning, etc.) of other instruments 
could send me their comments asap.
Please, also remember to fill the dates that fit your agenda
for the next f2f meeting of the ASAC. 

Best regards
Pepe Cernicharo

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