[asac] ASAC Meeting - Logistics

Leonardo Testi lt at arcetri.astro.it
Fri Jul 22 04:14:19 EDT 2005

Dear ASAC members and attendees,
   as I mentioned to you last week, the logistics for our meeting in 
Santiago on Oct 1-2 will be taken care of by Alejandra Araya 
(aaraya at alma.cl) from the JAO (thanks!). Please let her know if you will 
be able to attend and the expected dates of your stay in Santiago. It is 
important to have a good guess of the total attendance in advance, as I 
understand that we are very close or above the capacity limit of the 
meeting room at the ALMA office. In case we will need an alternative 
(larger) room for our meeting, then Alejandra should know this as soon 
as possible.

European members and attendees should, as usual, book their flights 
through ESO, please send at your earliest convenience your travel wishes 
to Elena, Natalie and Veronika at alma_admin at eso.org

Our next telecon is scheduled for August 3 at 15:00 UT.
Please let me know if you will NOT be able to attend the telecon.


List of attendees for the 2005 Oct 1-2 ASAC meeting in Santiago

EU Members
Leonardo Testi    - lt at arcetri.astro.it
Ewine van Dishoek - ewine at strw.leidenuniv.nl
Jose Cernicharo   - cerni at damir.iem.csic.es
Peter Schilke     - schilke at mpifr-bonn.mpg.de
John Richer       - jsr at mrao.cam.ac.uk

NA Members
Christine Wilson  - wilson at physics.mcmaster.ca
Chris Carilli     - ccarilli at aoc.nrao.edu
Jean Turner       - turner at astro.ucla.edu
Andrew Blain      - awb at astro.caltech.edu
Lee Mundy         - lgm at astro.umd.edu

J Members
Munetake Momose   - momose at mx.ibaraki.ac.jp
Satoshi Yamamoto  - yamamoto at taurus.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Yasuo Fukui       - fukui at a.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp

C Member
Diego Mardones    - mardones at das.uchile.cl

Ex Officio
Al Wootten        - awootten at nrao.edu
Tom Wilson        - twilson at eso.org
Ryohei Kawabe     - kawabe at nro.nao.ac.jp

Massimo Tarenghi  - mtarengh at alma.cl
Tony Beasley      - tbeasley at alma.cl
Rick Murowinski   - Richard.Murowinski at alma.cl
Hans Rykaczewski    - hrykacze at eso.org
Regional Managers ? - TBC

Dave Silva        - dsilva at eso.org
Robert Laing      - rlaing at eso.org
Baltasar Vila Vilaro - vila.vilaro at nao.ac.jp
Susanne Aalto     - susanne at gymer.oso.chalmers.se

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